The Snow Leopard

   There is one rare, beautiful  cat that roams this planet. It is the strong, beautiful snow leopard.  The snow leopard isn't as fast as the cheetah, it doesn't have stripes like the tiger, and it doesn't roar like the mighty lion. The snow leopard has it's own own special talents that none of these cats possess.

    The beautiful snow leopard can be found in the Himalayan Mountains in Asia, higher than 4500 meters. They can also be found in alpine mountains, treeless rocky mountains, and rhododendron forests about 3000-4500 meters. They have large lungs that help them breathe when they are high in these mountains. Because they live up so high in the mountains it is hard for scientists to study these mysterious cats.

     The snow leopard's fur is thick, heavy, and very beautiful. Their fur can be very pale, silvery grey, creamy, or smoky yellow with small dark spots and rosettes. Their fur helps them camouflage when they are hunting. Because their fur is so thick they need to shed lots of it in the summer to stay cool. The snow leopards tail can be as long as 3 feet. That's a long tail! Their tails often drag leaving a trail for scientists and hunters to follow. The snow leopards use their tails to stay balanced when they jump. They can jump about 30 ft. in one jump! They also use their tails to stay warm in the winter by wrapping their tails around them. They have broad paws that act like snowshoes when they walk. Snow leopards have fur under their paws that protect them from the cold and heat. male snow leopards can weigh 90-155 pounds while females can weigh 75-90  pounds. The full length of a snow leopard is about 4ft. head to tail. Their eyes can be pale yellow or green grey.

    The snow leopard doesn't live with other snow leopards like Lions live with other lions. Instead they live alone and only get together during the mating season. The snow leopard starts mating at 2 years old. The mating season is between January and May and is the only time you hear them vocalize.

    Snow leopard cubs are born beneath rocks and in crevices. The dens are lined with fur. The cub's fur is darker than Mom's and they have completely dark spots. There are usually 2 to 3 cubs in a litter but there could be 5. When they are born they are blind, helpless, weigh about 1 pound, and they can crawl. Their eyes open 7-10 days after they are born. The cubs are fully active at 2 months old and they begin to eat solid food. They stay with Mom until they are about 2 years old. When the cubs leave they will probably stay together before heading their own ways. The cubs reach maturity at 2-3 years old.

     The snow leopard's food contains wild goats, gazelles, deer, wild pigs, pikas, young yak marmots, hares, game birds, pets, and farm animals. They eat farm animals and pets because people kill the snow leopards food.

       Sadly, the beautiful snow leopard is endangered. They are endangered because hunters want their food even though it is illegal to kill the snow leopard for its fur. Farmers kill them because snow leopards attack their pets and farm animals. They are also hunted for their bones. The snow leopard is shy and has never been know to attack a person. There are only about 7,000 of these beautiful creatures left.

       There are people who are trying to save the beautiful snow leopard like an organization called Big Cat Rescue. I am sure that animals lovers don't want this beautiful cat to become a legend. Let us hope that the snow leopard  doesn't become extinct.